Have you noticed that when politicians talk about reducing health care costs by making healthy choices, they limit their targets to obesity, cigarette smoking, and seat belts and bike helmets, the politically correct sins of the new century? What if they mentioned studies about how abortion can cause breast cancer, or about how the Pill can cause heart trouble? What about the diseases picked up through sexual promiscuity? What about AIDS, which is still a disease acquired primarily by homosexual activity in men? What about the mental illnesses caused or exacerbated by abortion, sexual promiscuity, divorce and infidelity? What about drug users? What about people who refuse to eat their vegetables, or fiber, or protein? What about using organic products as opposed to junky white bread, apples sprayed with pesticides, and milk containing growth hormones? What about people who refuse to believe in God, or pray, or go to church, when studies say these things make people happier, and healthier? Ask the centenarian why he has lived so long, and you will be told everything from drinking and smoking to having a beer and bacon everyday. The list of things which the government would have to include if it wants to "protect our health" would be endless.
Far better that the government gets out of the health care industry altogether, and lets individuals control their own health and seek their own happiness in their own ways.