Sunday, January 16, 2011


I remember one of the things I was so anxious to comment about the other day. First, my St. Pauli African violet has another bud on it. It has been about six months since it last bloomed. Second, my brother Bob gave me a slip from Mother's Christmas cactus plant which he had rooted last fall. Mother's new cactus planting at home had an impatiens growing in it from seed from the flowers growing nearby the cactus, and as my cactus grew, so did an impatiens sprout up. The cactus bloomed last month. It is finished, but I now have a few flowers on the impatiens. What a way to add splash to winter!

I purchased some close-to-sell-by-date thistle seed, and will put some out today to see if I can attract any finches.I still see the blue jays and northern flickers at the sunflower feeder.

After all of my fuss over the two knitting books I could not find, and discovered that I had indeed loaned them to Anne, and then forgot to pick up  when I was at her house, I have found a new pattern to use for my second purple gift scarf. I am moving out of my comfort zone little by little. One stitch at a time is bringing me to new levels of ability.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Going over to see my little granddaughter again today. Nothing more snuggly than having a baby sleeping on my shoulder with her head next to mine. Kitties are very warm, but babies fit better. On Wednesday I could hardly bear to leave Anne's house because Little Girl was content to be in Grandma's arms. 

We are having snow, snow, and more snow. This must be closer to what Laura Ingalls Wilder's family had in The Long Winter. It is closer to the winters that I remember as a child, absent the cold temperatures. I can remember one year that the St. Paul Pioneer Press gave Mother Nature the cold shoulder award for so many days with temperatures below zero. That was the year steering wheels were breaking off in Alaska because of the extreme cold.

Off to work. I cannot remember the things I was so anxious to blog about yesterday! Senility is upon us.  I need to pick up some provisions for Anne, and get a Shaklee package out in the mail.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa!

We are now Grandma and Grandpa Becker. Anne had her baby on my birthday. Baby Girl has silky-soft dark blonde hair, a double chin, and itty-bitty fingers and toes. Can you hear Grandma cooing? Today we sang songs together, played pat-a-cake, played This Little Piggy Went to Market, counted to five on her toes, and took a walking tour of the apartment. I also got to change my first diaper in many years.

I stopped at Michael's to use my Christmas gift card today, but I did not have any knitting patterns with me and could not find a particular yarn, so I will hold off until I have more time to look.

I saw a bald eagle flying near our house as I headed into town, and a male ring-neck pheasant as I drove home.