Another three weeks left to go on the heart monitor. I think it is a waste, but the cardiovascular department insists upon it before I have the tilt table test. And so the vertigo diagnostic saga continues. The adhesives from the electrode pads have left my skin red and raw. (If I am not mistaken, Shakespeare used those very words in his poem about winter!) I have even passed on the band-aid like patches which I am supposed to use over the electrodes and wires, to reduce the break-down, but it has helped very little. The hospital put some Med Sol wipes in my pouch for wiping off the adhesive when I change pads, but the little 1.5"x 2" wipes do not do much, and smell like Goo-Be-Gone. This morning in desperation I whipped out my bottle of Basic H to use after the wipe. I know that the Shaklee Corporation says Basic H is not tested for use on skin, but hey, I am from the generation that used dish detergent for bubble bath. I am sure that Basic H is safer than Ivory Liquid, Dove, or Dawn! I have to say that Basic H is easier to use in the bathtub than as a wash in the shower, since it does not suds well. I shall have to use it on a wash cloth next time. Anything to get the goo off.
I finished the next three books in the Little House early years series by Melissa Wiley, the Charlotte years. I was disappointed that the books did not give more of the story of how Martha came to live in the United States, and how Charlotte's family moved to upper Michigan. However, in looking up the titles of the books before sitting down to type, (I have already passed the books on to my daughter), I see that there is one more book in each of the two series which I do not have. Those two books may give me more clues as to why Martha's family left Europe, and why Charlotte's family left Massachusetts. I will be looking for them on Friday at Barnes and Noble as we attend the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School fundraiser.
I finished Jan Karon's Shepherds Abiding. I checked for the next book in the Mitford series when I was at Savers on Friday. No cigar. However, this morning as I was picking up in the girls' bedroom, I realized that I had the next volume on the shelf. Cool! Now I can take it with when I go to my Mom's today.
I am back to sewing fleece mittens and hats again. I wanted solid colors for the girls, and had seen nothing at the stores. I also wanted heavy mittens for Maja, but nothing in that category in the stores, either. I decided that I will simply have to make my own. It took an evening to dig through my patterns to find the ones I wanted. Then, after cutting out two hats, a headband and two pairs of mittens, I had to remember how my mitten pattern got put together. Then after sewing the first hat I saw that the size was too small for Maja, and I had intended that color for Ari. I am suspecting that the next size given in my book will be too large for Maja,, so it is time to get out the compass and draw a new pattern. My thought was to make two hats and two pairs or more of mittens for each girl, so that they would have some to lose. I figured that sizing would be an issue, which is no big deal, since I figured that anything not fitting them would go to Catholic Charities. While I am at it, I will cut out mittens or whatever fits out of the fleece I have left over from baby blankets. That has been sitting here for four years waiting for me to use it up.
Then one of these winter days I will have to start quilting again.