Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Long Time No Write

Anne started her own blog, so I guess that means I need to get back into the swing on mine!

My latest news is that I won a quilt at St. Anthony's (St. Cloud) Quilt Bingo. This is about the fifth year that I have gone, so it was mine time. I am proud to be one of their new quilters, as well. The quilt which I won, as are all of their quilts, queen size. It has embroidered patches alternating with maroon patches, sashing and backing. The amount of work put into the emroidery alone is incredible.

My quilting is improving in speed, if not in stitch length. At one time at a quilting afternoon at Gone to Pieces, I was advised by another quilter to use a smaller needle and shorter thread.  So far that has not given me smaller stitches. Mary B. has impressed upon me the need to use a thimble. I laugh with the other ladies at St. Anthony's about using longer thread so that I tie fewer knots, even if it means running the risk of tangles. Half of them do the same.Helping the quilters has energized me in the completion of the quilt top I started for them two years ago. It was supposed to be done in summer months while work was slow. Never happened. Now, however, I am on a roll.

Baby Mark's afghan is still unfinished.

Today I am baking cracked wheat bread with millet and flax seed thrown in. I also started some oatmeal apple bread, a good bread for breakfasts. Dinner tonight is pork chops and potatoes.

Now off to do laundry.

1 comment:

  1. So you have to compete now huh? Well your on!!! I am happy that you won a quilt!
