Friday, March 19, 2010

Warm Up

I am supposed to be typing my overdue Christian Mothers newsletter right now. My internal (Patrician) calendar is always late, and in my mind I had another week to work on it, until a phone call made me realize it had to be in the mail today. I am still the student handing in late papers.

A glance out of the window showed my pussy willow in full catkins. After years of stagnance the branches are lengthened to a couple feet, and pulled toward the sky. I am trying to imagine my bush at the 20 foot height it will become. Although I saw no tulip tips in the Mary Garden at church last Sunday, I see two remnant tulips about five inches high in my flower bed in the side yard. I may not get blooms, since I dug out most of the bulbs last year, and what I see now is either a damaged or stray bulb.

One of the blogs which I follow is Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. (  I first found this site in a search for a dishcloth pattern from  Foothills has a gorgeous header photo of the Smoky Mountains. Recently she posted pictures of some of the projects she has knitted. I enjoy her pictures, often done against a backdrop of nature. I enjoy the vibrant colors she has used in her projects. When I looked at her site a few days ago it felt like spring. I was also intrigued by her participation in a Christian knitters group.  When I have more time I can investigate that group.

Lion Brand had an article on picking up stitches in their latest e-newsletter. I scanned the article thinking I would get tips for a shawl pattern I plan on making. I am beginning to see why people who use the internet need to bookmark things. I cannot use the information from the article immediately, but I might need it in the future. Better save it! Then, just as our houses collect stuff that needs to be weeded out, every once in awhile we need to go through our computers and get rid of the things we do not need. How many computer storage sheds do you have?

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