My husband loves his pie - apple, pecan, pumpkin, blueberry and banana cream. His wife, however, never learned to make a decent pie crust. After the first crust has been rolled somewhat successfully, the second, third and fourth always seem to be too dry, or too sticky. I have tried many recipes, including those "never fails" recipes. I have rolled on a floured table, on wax paper, and on a pastry cloth. I have tossed more than one crust because it tore to bits as I was trying to lift it into the pan. I even helped with 4-H pie baking day. No go. Husband always just tells me to keep on practicing! I am bound and determined, too, that I can do it, and not have to resort to purchasing pie crusts.
After a recent failure which ended in tears, then laughter at my lack of success, I watched a couple of pie tutorials on the computer. They made it look so easy. I decided that I just need to relax instead of approaching it with so much intensity. I also decided that I would try a recipe with butter in it.
Imagine my excitement when I rolled out a crust yesterday which had spring in it, and rolled large enough for both top and bottom crust without breaking. I was thrilled. Nor was there any shrinkage. I was so pleased that, as my husband said, now he might get a pie every week.
The recipe which I had such success with was from King Arthur Flour. (Perhaps it was the name that did it!) You can find it at:
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