Arthur has the week off, so I am on vacation as well. I was feeling very overwhelmed with two quilts to bind, the Mary Garden to plant, and my own garden needing weeding badly, so yesterday I spent the day outdoors. After morning mass, grocery shopping and breakfast I headed to Scenic Specialties in St. Joe to purchase flowers for myself, the Mary Garden, and my mom.
Scenic Specialties had not received any zinnias or snap dragons (although I found a tray of snap dragons hidden under a rack latter), two essentials for the Mary Garden, so I had to re-think my flowers. I went with colors that jumped out at me, orange and pink dahlias, orange-yellow marigolds, pink petunias, and a white vinca with a pink eye. I was not sure that vincas had a Marian name, but I thought I would go with them anyway. The colors are very tropical, and beautiful. Turns out that vinca is the same as a periwinkle, which is Marian. The snapdragon colors which I saw later did not appeal to me, so I am much happier that I went with the periwinkles.
For my own pots I went with purples once again. Some of my blue petunias came up from seed in the pot, so I wanted something that would coordinate reasonably with them. I purchased three pots of African daisies for the first time. I also passed on the obligatory spike and chose an ornamental grass which the S.S. employee pointed out to me. Much more texture. I threw out the tag, so can't give the name, but the stems look like chives, and feel like the chive stems after they have flowered and become woody. They had a beautiful orange coleus which I would have loved for my shade bed, but they came only in single pots, and the price was quite prohibitive. Instead I settled for green and white coleus and red-violet impatiens.
For my mom's front yard I got the usual mix of impatiens.
All plants planted. At church I had to make several trips to the rectory to fill up my watering can, since the hose is not in place yet. I chalked it up to exercise. I should have had my pedometer on to track the steps. Of course, I forgot to bring my fertilizer in the car, so the bed at church which I so wanted to fertilize when I planted did not get done. After planting my pots at home, I dumped the rest of my potting soil in the tire and
put the coleus and impatiens in. It looks very good. I fertilized and weeded around my Endless Summer hydrangea, threw fertilizer around the rest of my perennials, and did a bunch of weeding while digging out valerian, cat mint and daisies for my sister Janice. It was about 8:00 P.M. by the time I came in for my shower. Good timing, since my neighbor had started spraying his lawn, and the herbicide was more than I cared to breathe in. I abandoned all hanging pots this year. I feel better for all of the work which I got done. The seedlings in the beds at church will just have to wait.
Oh, and some of my new grass seed has sprouted. Good deal. Now, to finish raking up acorns and dig up some dandelions!
After my shower I went downstairs to iron some clothes for the week. After three shirts my iron started spewing rust water. Two shirts are now back in the laundry pile. The rust was leaking out of the bottom of the sole plate, which means it must have rusted out somewhere on the bottom. The iron also stopped heating, just like that. The cats have not even knocked it over recently. Monday morning that means we have to go shopping for a new iron, and an alarm clock. I cannot even sew or stamp and embroidery pattern, which I had set out to do yesterday, without an iron. Of course, I do have that old cast-iron iron of Grandma's which I could use in an emergency, but not the wood stove top to heat it up with! The alarm clock will be for the spare bedroom so that if my snoring gets too loud, Husband can go sleep in there. Of course, it will also be handy for the times I have to sleep in there with Ariana.
Enough for now. Time to do my garden report for church. I have to do last year's report before I can start this year's.