I just finished reading Fingal's Quest (Madeleine Polland, Savio Books, San Jose, California, 1997). This is a reprint from Doubleday and Company, originally written in 1961. The setting is sixth century Ireland and France. A group of Irish monks, including St. Columban, head from Ireland to re-Christianize a France which has become Christian in name only after the barbarian invasions. Yes, sixth century, and Christian in name only within a few centuries of St. Martin of Tours. Christianity has waned in the past, just as it appears to be waning in Europe and the United States now. But the waning has been followed by waxing. Who knows but that in another fifty or hundred years, America will be re-evangelized by Christians from Africa and India, and perhaps even Russia. I found the book to be such a sign of great hope.
We had another Catholic United Financial meeting on Tuesday, and I came home feeling good about all of the things which we accomplished. In December we updated our by-laws lickety split. Yesterday, thanks to our treasurer's computerized report, we were also able to audit the books in record time. We also voted on a mission statement, planned our February meeting, and set our schedule for the rest of the year, cancelling all but three more meetings. I caught up with the pastoral associate and stewardship committee chair to discuss the MinisTree program, touched base with the custodial staff on hanging our charter and award plaques, and updated our schedule with the parish secretary. Lots of work done. Now, to re-type our by-laws, write some bulletin announcements, enter the rest of our information into the computer for our annual report and bake some goodies for our February meeting, and I can sit back and relax until it is time to do the newsletter. That, of course, will depend on how quickly we get our funds from the home office. I feel like there is hope for the future of our local council. I did not feel this good last fall!
Yesterday afternoon I was battling a very topsy-turvy stomach. I suspect Maja's little virus from the girls' visit this past week-end, although one can never tell. I went to bed early yesterday and slept much of the day today. Throughout the day today I ate saltines and English muffins, and drank only Shaklee Performance and Stomach Soothing Complex. I had a bit of Dinty Moore Beef Stew for dinner, but no leftover cake. Perhaps tomorrow.
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