I'm setting a record of sorts, posting two days in a row. The urge came after I poured myself a cup of breakfast tea.
I am using up a canister of The People's Green Tea, Daily Green Tea from the Republic of Tea. It is awful. I will be glad when I am back to my "perfectly brewed" Shaklee Green Energizing Tea. The Energizing Tea is a powder which can be used in either hot or cold water. It tastes delicious.
After reading Laura Child's books I am considering purchasing a Twinings sample box with Darjeeling, Earl Grey, and two more choices. I am hesitant because I had tried some of those teas in my college days, and did not like them. My staples for the past several years have been Irish Breakfast Tea, English Breakfast Tea, and green Energizing Tea. I drink one cup of caffeinated every day. If I want another cup with my evening dessert or as an accompaniment to a good book, I switch to decaf.
In tandem with my morning cuppa, I take my vitamins. For the next couple of weeks I will be taking Shaklee chewable calcium in place of my normal Osteomatrix. The girls see Grandpa and Grandma take their supplements when they are here. I always have the Mighty Smarts for them. Maja could eat several a day if I let her, but I usually have her stop at three or four a meal. Since she is interested in vitamins, I ordered the Incredivites, chewable vitamin C, and chewable calcium. Ari used to not like the Incredivites, but now she will take them. Maja is also very willing. The calcium is a bit too chalky for her taste, so Grandma gets to finish the bottle. It was worth a try, though. Anything I can do to get more nutrition into them, I will do.
On Tuesday I get to take Ari to the eye doctor for a prescription update so that we can get her a new pair of glasses. Anne thinks her current pair is beyond repair.
Our winter storm was not as severe as predicted. School was canceled today, but the roads are looking quite drive-able.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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