Friday, July 4, 2014

Bee Balm Beetles

Here are some images of my bee balm beetles after a week. I am still picking them off in large quantities. As you can see in the second image, there are a few buds on the monarda, but it is well eaten, and full of bug droppings. Each time I go out I see tops which have turned dry because they have been eaten through. The beetles  continue to drown when I knock them in to my water and Basic H mixture.

On a brighter note, my brother had requested that I save some Bleeding Heart seeds from the plants at my mom's house. I was wondering how I would do that. Last Monday when I was at my mom's, I saw a bunch of seed pods hanging off of the plants. I obviously did not remember that they form pods. At any rate, I picked several which were still green as I was heading for my car. I threw the pods into my plastic car cup and drove home. I left the cup in my car for a few days 'til I was ready to bring it into the house. In the meantime, the pods dried and burst open. Seeds, ready to plant. I will mail them off  when I get a "round tuit".

We went to the parade and festival in St. Joe today. I was surprised at all of the people marching in the parade whom I recognized, from homeschoolers to politicians to businessmen. Ariana was afraid of all of the fire and police sirens and the loud trucks. On the other hand, she liked the horses and wanted to pet them. She also liked the water fountain on the Woods Farmer Seed and Nursery float. I wanted to call out to Woods, "Hey! Remember me? I'm the lady who bought the 16 bags of mulch yesterday!" I was dying for a Joe Burger, but the line was very long, and it started raining. The first time I went to the St. Joe festival was when I was working at St. Ben's the summer between freshman and sophomore years. I thought the Joe cones and Joe Burgers quite the riot. I was single then, so did not mind waiting in the blazing sun for a burger. The parish now has a new parish center which they use for the country store and fancy stands. I did purchase a dolly quilt and pillow for the dollies at Grandma's house. Otherwise there was little to do.

Another link on the  horsemint, or bee balm beetle:

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